Friday, June 28, 2013

Farewell (Cont)

This Capstone class has provided me with so much growth and understanding. It has helped me to become the leader and advocate I want to be. Working on this capstone project, has helped me to put things into action. As a leader, we want to ensure we respect and value other people opinions when we are trying to accomplish a goal.
We want to communicate and collaborate with others to ensure we all working for the common good of not just ourselves put for the whole. It is important to surround and be involved with your Community of Partners, who share the same passion to help you fulfill your vision. There may be others who may have the same interest at heart and together you can accomplish what it is you are trying to accomplish.
Also, researching jobs across the globe, helped me to understand, I can help from not only a local perspective but Internationally as well.

My long-term goal is to ensure the children, not just foster children,  I come into contact with will receive the opportunity to thrive as they should. In addition, I want to work with families as well to ensure they are knowledgeable about their child's development and rights. I want to provide the families and children with the voice and fight for their right to develop and become successful throughout life.

I want to thank all my colleagues for your advice and opinions. Though I had a vision, a statement in mind, I did struggle in the beginning to develop it fully. I personally thank you all for the feedback and ways I could bring this subject to light. Dr. Teri, thank you for your continuous feedback and breaking things down where (I) we can understand. I am not sure about others, but I was a nervous wreck when it came down to our final project. I wanted to make sure all bases were covered. After utilizing the Contact the Instructor tab in our course, I realized a lot of questions I had were asked and answered by many. I know I mentioned it before, but thank you to Angie for taking notes during week 4's chat, thank you Nancy for posting information on writing Introductions and Conclusions and the whole body of students. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You all do not know what it means to me personally. I almost gave up and quit the course because of health reasons, but I kept on. Dr. Teri, thank your for the words of encouragement you posted in the announcements and being on time with grading and feedback. This helped me greatly to improve on areas that I needed to change and helped me with my Capstone Project.

To all, congratulations on your Graduation. We did it!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Rhonda,

    Your video was beautiful. Thank you for sharing. There were times where I had doubts when completing my final project. Congratulations! Good fortune in opening your own child development center.
