Saturday, November 10, 2012

Communication Skills & Styles

Suite life of Zack and Cody.

It is amazing how many facial expressions each and every character uses. I am only two minutes into the show and the gentleman behind the desk rolls his eyes when he sees two twin boys.

Boys works on the computer and a girl is standing by him. She is thrilled because she has a huge smile on her face, however her expression changes from a smile to a confused look to angry as she waves her fist to the computer.

Little boy is the computer and a lady is standing over him. He looks like he is playing a game because he has a wand in his hand.

Ok, I guess this is the twin brother, different clothes. He is working with the young girl again and it looks like they are making a video. She must be doing of saying something weird because the boys is holding his head to the ceiling and waving and shaking his head no. she continues to talk on the web and the computer screen is shown and

The other twin brother is still playing on his computer and playing with the game and the wand. I want to say this may be his mom talking to him.

The scene goes back to other brother and the girl who is know dancing and pulls him in to dance with her. Wow, they are silly. This is a silly show. She sits down and continue to talk to the audience on the camera and now a guest arrives.  The boys seems angry and the girl and points his finger to her. The girl seems happy and excited. She counts using three fingers. The boy still seems angry and she pushes him to sit in seat. He gets up and walks towards the door and turns around speaking and pointing at her as he exit’s the door.

The mother returns to the other boy playing the game and she throws her things down and points at him and picks up his wand. (The boy maybe getting in trouble for being on the game so long). Next, the gentleman that was behind the desk of the hotel, is looking at his computer, (everyone is on a computer) is playing a game as he is waiving a sword around and talking to the computer.

The two boys are together talking to each other. The one boy that was with the young girl seems upset as he is frowning with his brother. He then storms off walking. The gentleman at the desk is still playing the game waiving the sword, then another gentleman approaches the desk and the guy continue to play his game. (perhaps the gentleman was trying to check into the hotel).

Back to the girl with the computer web. She has a person helping her now. The girl seems upset as she is squeezing her lips tight and she has her two hands bald up in a fist and looks angry as she is talking. 

The gentleman behind the desk closes his laptop and walks into a room. The other brother who has been playing sees the laptop and tries to open it. The gentleman is walking back in. the boy hides only to find the sword. He shows the gentleman the sword and has a curious look on his face. Apparently the two were playing each other? The two continue to talks, they both have a anguish look on their face. Next thing they walk a few steps and then  they both run over to the computer and pick up their weapons and play the game together I assume.

The young girl with the computer still airs her web show and she has another guest who is sleeping. The girl seems said as she talks. The boy is looking at his computer and sees everything that is going on and runs to where the girl is. She jumps up with a big smile, they talk and they hug. They then get together and sway back and forth dancing with smiles.

Ok the boy who was playing the game is talking among a group of kids. He is holding his hand and talking. They show the gentleman who is also there in  the same room and he is talking. They speak at the same time and next thing you know, the boy, gentleman and the group of kids, runs out of the room.  THE END!

A person have to truly pay close attention when a person is speaking. While people are talking they usually display emotions and expressions through gestures, body movements and facial expressions. There were numerous of emotions and expressions displayed. These are noted as nonverbal which convey a message without using words.  After while, I was able tie the lady and boy as mother and son. Apparently things were not going well between the other young boy and the girl. She had someone else operating the computer rather than the boy. She was so thrilled to see him and she gave him a hug and they dance happily. When sound is not available "we can listen with our eyes" (O'Hair & Wiemann, 2012, p 169).


  1. Rhonda,
    I agree with you that a person has to truly listen when a person is talking.Enjoyed following your unheard story.

  2. When you wrote "The mother returns to the other boy playing the game and she throws her things down and points at him and picks up his wand. (The boy maybe getting in trouble for being on the game so long).", it made me realize how much we assume in communication, especially when we can not hear, based on our own experiences and how they relate to what we are doing. This can be both a good and bad thing. It's good because it can help individuals communicate better with each other when they have shared experiences, but it can also cause problems if we assume to much about what someone is saying without actually listening to them. Listening is a huge part of communicating.

  3. Rhonda,
    I love when you said "When sound is not available, we listen with our eyes. I rarely watch TV but I always have it on with the volume down. The funny thing is, I have my music playing so I have gotten accustomed to listen and observing with my eyes.
