Saturday, November 24, 2012


Communication anxiety 47 husband; my friend 38; myself 47.

Listening style: Group 1 all the way.

Verbal aggression: 67 husband; my friend 63; myself 63. Moderate

This was a interesting exercise. My husband, who I have known for nearly 20 years and married, had some similiar results as I did expcept on the verbal aggression area. When we met, he knew from the start that I was very shy and when we started dating and went out in groups, he and his friends from the basketball team would talk about things that I was not fully aware of. I would just sit and listen to what they were saying, I did not and according to my husband still are not fully aware about the sports. So I kind of shy away from, however, with my boys playing, I involve myself when need be. I am the team mother when he coaches and have no problem talking to the parents providing with updates and things, and just having a natural conversation. But don't get me started on the technical side of the sports, because I have no clue. I just praise, clap and shout yeah, they scored!

When I was working with Marketing Research Company and had to hold focus groups with respondents and clients, I was nervous as I do not know what. Again, my husband was with me during this time and he knew of all the signs of when I was nervous speaking in front of a large group. Prior to speaking, I would have to speak and review notes over and over again, I would work up a sweat because I was so nervous. My husband would have to tell me a funny joke to make me laugh and relax. Though everyone applauded and said I did a great job, I can tell that I was walking back and forth like crazy, palms was sweating and so forth.

Verbal agression, my husband recalls the school giving me a hard time about our son and getting help for him to succeed in school because of his ADHD and OCD. My friend also mentions how I tend to speak up for children to others who are not willing to help or listen to what the children need. My friend or ex co-worker, recalls when I was Director, I would speak up for them as well when the new Owner purchased the company. I showed much respect and listen to their views but respectfully provided them with reasons and causes for the needs of the children, families and staff members. 

With the listening skills, my husband mentions, how I do take the time to listen and sometimes provide feedback but more importantly listen especially when things happen at work, with our children, our family. Seems like a lot of people confide in me.  My friend mentioned how it helped that I involved all the staff members input that they felt important, the parents and children were able to confide in me. I was very empathetic to the needs of them all it seemed.

 One thing I knew before this exercise in regard to communication is that I do tend to shy away from public speaking. My score indicated a communication level of  "situational". When I see that some people may have a lot more experience than I do of the subject at hand, I do tend to shy away. Sometimes, I get so nervous and worry that I would stutter and I reflect on the past on how I was treated and do not want to go through that again. There are a couple of factors, but  I can only pray and hope to work on it.


  1. Rhonda,
    Great Blog, I thought it was great that you used your husband I guess I have been married to long 38 years I did not think to use my husband. Just wanted to encourage you about public speaking, the more you do it the more comfortable you will become (usually). Thanks for sharing.

  2. Rhonda,

    Practicing is what will help us face and conquer our fears. When I started working as a Head Start teacher I used to felt petrified when needed to talk to English speaking parents, especially if it was by phone. After being engaged in conversations with other English speakers, like co-workers, administrative staff, and some friendly parents, I gained more confidence and finally overcame my big challenge of speaking in English.

    Having been through this experience, I learned that practicing my communication in English has been key in the improvement of my communication skills.

    Thanks for sharing!
