Saturday, December 1, 2012


Think about any disagreements, or conflicts, you have recently experienced or are currently experiencing at work with a supervisor or colleague, or someone in your personal life. Share at least two strategies you have learned about that might help you manage or resolve the conflict more productively, and why these strategies might be effective. For example, could you suggest a compromise? Could you look for a broader range of solutions to your disagreement? Could you use some of the principles of nonviolent communication or the 3 R's to better help you resolve this conflict?

Each year we have to obtain a certain amount of training each for DSS for Early Childhood programs. With my familly childcare my husband and I both have to attend these trainings. A Child Development Center invited us to join their training. We each paid for our share and signed the roster to insure we received the credits. These classes was held in September. Online, I went to view our transcripts only to see that we have yet to receive credit, last month.  I called the Child Care Resource Center that handles all the rosters and credits our transcripts. They said they never received a roster for the training. I called the CDC and they mentioned that it usually takes longer to receive and that she has been a Director for a while and it always takes this long. (In the back of mind, I was telling myself, I have been a Director too, but it never took this long). Like our weeks lesson, we should jump to any inclusion or make assumptions right away.  I told her too that CCRC never received the roster and she said she did not know what to say. I paused for a moment. (Again in my mind, I was thinking perhaps there is another way we can get this resolved). She further said, we would not leave you all out and that the Trainer has done all the training for them. (I wondered why she mentioned this; again not making any assumptions, I asked her another question). I asked how long of a wait period it would take to receive the credit. She responded, it could be months. She then proceeded to give me the trainers number.

So another month goes by and I checked again, only to see that I received my credits but not my husband. I asked CCRC if they possibly had the roster for his class on hand that possibly could not get recorded. She said again, she had nothing there. Called the CDC again, for the Director to tell me, that she does not understand what CCRC was doing. I asked if there was any way we can resolve the matter and she stated that they can have him sign the roster again along with her other staff, because they did not have a copy. Weeks later the issue was resolved.

1 comment:

  1. Ronda,

    I am glad that you were able to resolve your conflict. I congratulate you for keeping your experiences in the back of your mind, as you did when thinking that you have been a director too and know it does not take that long, other ways your phone call may have finished in greater disagreement and your conflict would still not be resolved.

    Thanks for sharing Rhonda!
