Saturday, April 27, 2013

Reflecting on Learning


My passionate hope as Eric Hoffman says, is to treat children as a whole regardless of any situation. Though people may say it is hard to lose a foster child when they go home, I am happy that we were able to impact their lives in a positive way. Most of these children were told not only by society but some of their parents that they were nothing, not smart, will fail and so forth. Most of these children have varying abilities and would give up themselves when they could not do something. It was encouragement, trust, respect and belief that we were able to help these children believe in themselves and strive. I cannot recall the number of IEP, Therapy, Early Intervention services and more we have attended, but we were not given up on these children.
For the short time we had some, we were able to utilize their strength and talents to help them strive as well. I feel that my passion has grown even further to help all children and families regardless of economic status, abilities, sexual orientation, family structure, religion, race, and so forth. In addition, I want to teach children and families not only value and feel proud about who they are, but to others as well. I want to model positive behaviors so that children and families I encounter, will develop acceptance, empathy and respect to all regardless of their differences.

I want to thank all my colleagues and Dr. Weems as well, for sharing your comments and wisdom throughout the course. We all have many experiences that we have encounter and we can help each other along our journey. It is with my greatest intentions to apply what I gained from everyone and continue to further my knowledge to advocate for our children and families. Thank you again, and I wish everyone much success.

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