Saturday, September 22, 2012

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

Not only did I speak with my family but my Facebook friends as well. As many had responded:

Culture is one's language,gender, race,  how one dress, the way they live and overall how they go about doing things, says one friend. Diversity is overall the different qualities that makes us all different from each other.

My sister-n-law mentions, "diversity include race, class, gender, religion and sexual orientation.
Culture includes all of the knowledge, beliefs, habits, laws, traditions, and family way of life that are sp
ecific to one group of people or one society. Groups of people living away from other groups develop different ways of doing things and approaching life". 

Culture is us what makes a person. This sets them apart by their beliefs, values, language, dress, even parenting styles. Diversity is like a rainbow, it is beautiful and influences the world by it's existence.

Built on what we have learned, diversity and culture is what makes us all unique and different. The world is diverse and everyone have different views and ways of doing things. Not only are we different by race, gender, social status and so forth, there are various things that sets us apart from each other. As my sister-n-law mentions, everyone has different ways of doing things and approaching life. 


  1. I really like your sister-in-laws definition of culture. It's very complete and I feel it really does describe what culture is all about. When you asked your facebook friends, did any of them hesitate when responding with answers?

  2. I like how you state that diversity and culture is what makes us all unique and different. Great Post.

  3. Hello Rhonda I really enoyed reading your post. I agree with you that our culture is what makes us different and special. If weall did not have different cultural characteristics our cultures and family cultures would not be considered diverse.
